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Higher goals for Holtab's sustainability efforts

Higher goals for Holtab's sustainability efforts

"We only have one planet." CEO Patrik Persson Moberg shares his thoughts on the future.

”I recently became a grandfather. I thought, ’What kind of world will you grow up in, little guy?’ We can’t continue on the old path relying on fossil fuels. The transition to a sustainable climate is the key to the future. We have only one earth to pass on to future generations,” says Patrik Persson Moberg.

Holtab’s factory and headquarters are located in Tingsryd, Sweden.


Broad engagement

The wealthy countries in the world are responsible for driving the work of climate transition. Growing companies in the electricity industry, like Holtab, have a natural place in the forefront.

”At Holtab, we have a broad commitment to sustainability issues. It’s about being energy-efficient, preventing accidents at work, increasing the number of women among employees, and contributing with our own renewable energy. We have been working on this for many years, and in recent years, we have intensified our efforts.”

For Holtab, the focus on social, environmental, and economic sustainability is a matter of survival. By being a responsible company, new customers and employees are attracted to the business.

”So-called ’soft’ issues matter. It attracts students to us when they do their thesis projects, it appeals to new employees, and it engages those who are already employed. Above all, I encounter many students who want to be part of a company that does something good for society,” he says.


Long-term effort

Getting more women at Holtab is a long-term effort. For CEO Patrik Persson Moberg, a gender-equal and diverse workforce brings many benefits.

”Women and men have different perspectives on issues. It becomes more dynamic with both genders represented. Companies with a good mix are more profitable, as research clearly shows.”

”Moreover, we want to be a workplace for everyone. Our products are in demand in the market, and we want to increase turnover. To do that, we need to attract many new people to come and work for us. We need both girls and boys.”

In 2020, biathlon skier Stina Nilsson made her first visit to the facility in Tingsryd. She collaborates with Holtab to focus on women’s opportunities to enter and develop within the industry.

”Our initiative has received a lot of attention,” says Patrik Persson Moberg.

The biathlon profile Stina Nilsson and Holtab’s electrician Hale Ståhl.


Investing in Solar panels

By 2025, Holtab aims to be a net supplier of renewable energy. The solar panel installation on Holtab’s site in Tingsryd currently contributes about 50 percent of all electricity consumed. The goal is to soon move forward with more self-produced renewable energy, potentially through additional solar panels or wind power.

”There are many companies that want to invest in their own electricity production. But it also requires politicians to provide the right conditions. We are hopeful that the government will raise the threshold for when full energy tax should be paid. It is an important incentive for us to invest even more in our own energy production,” he says.

In the future, Holtab’s focus on sustainability will be a top priority.

”In the long run, this is a matter of survival”, says Holtab’s CEO Patrik Persson Moberg.

Holtab opened its own solar power system at the factory in Tingsryd in December 2017, and more solar panels have been added over time.


Examples of how we address sustainability at Holtab include:

Net supplier of renewable energy by 2025

  • We generate our own electricity in a solar panel installation. Our installed capacity is currently 665 kW, covering about half of our consumption.
  • In 2022, we supplemented our existing solar panel installation in Tingsryd with an additional 1,224 panels expected to produce 400,000 kWh annually.
  • Soon we will start planning the construction of solar panel installation number 3.
  • Other purchased electricity comes from 100% renewable energy from wind power.
  • Operations are energy-efficient to reduce total energy consumption. We invest in new technology, including heating, lighting, and ventilation. We digitize our operations to enable change and encourage environmentally friendly choices among employees.

Phasing out fossil fuels

  • All company cars are currently electric or plug-in hybrids.
  • Starting in 2023, all new company cars and trucks will be 100% electric.
  • The last diesel truck has been phased out and replaced with a completely new 16-ton electric truck, the first of its kind in Sweden.
  • Holtab sets requirements for suppliers and partners to follow directives to reduce climate impact.
  • We work to increase the proportion of shared transports. Transport planning is done so that as many stations as possible can be transported together.
  • We collaborate with suppliers to encourage them to choose lower-impact transportation.
  • A carpooling project has been initiated with Energikontoret Sydost to increase opportunities for our employees to carpool to work.

Acting against environmentally harmful products

  • We strive to have a minimum of environmentally harmful products, including careful evaluation of purchases.
  • One of Holtab’s major environmental aspects has been painting with solvent-based primer. This issue has been high on our environmental agenda, and as of the third quarter of 2022, this primer has been replaced with a water-based one. This means that Holtab will significantly reduce volatile organic compounds (VOC).
  • A new painting methodology also means that primer consumption will decrease.
  • Through new washing routines, zinc emissions from the wash hall have also been reduced and are now assessed by the municipality as having no noticeable impact on wastewater.

Healthier working environment

  • We work proactively to prevent accidents, work-related injuries, incidents, discrimination, harassment, and bullying. If we become aware of incidents or signs of ill health, we take immediate action by implementing measures.
  • Managers enhance their knowledge of a sustainable work environment.
  • To promote good health, we invest in preventive wellness initiatives and have close cooperation with our occupational health service.

Increased gender equality

  • We work to increase the proportion of women among employees. This applies at all levels: production staff, managers, in leadership, and on the board.
  • Since we made an active decision to attract more women to Holtab, the proportion of women has increased from 10% to 18%.
  • To inspire more women to enter the industry, Holtab has started an electrical training program for women in collaboration with Montico.

Development work in Nepal

  • Collaboration with Build up Nepal, constructing earthquake-resistant houses in impoverished areas.
  • Contributions to hydropower and electrification in the village of Jyamrung.
  • Providing microloans to individuals in need of capital to start businesses.
  • Volunteers from Holtab regularly travel to Nepal to share knowledge about technology.

Strengthening the local community

  • Holtab sponsors the Tingsryd hockey team, several local football clubs, and other non-profit sports and cultural associations.
  • The goal is to strengthen community life and contribute to a good upbringing environment for the municipality’s youth.

More Holtab, Sustainability