2024-05-06 Energy optimisation and digitalisation – a paradigm shift Holtab’s Head of Strategy and Business Development Peter Ackebjer is one of many in the industry who is looking ahead to the opportunities that tomorrow’s power grid will bring. Because we are amid a historic shift.→ Business News
2023-12-22 Holtab åbner uddannelsescenter Holtab åbner et uddannelsescenter i Olofström. Her øver virksomhedens elektrikere sig i at samle transformerstationer og udvikler deres færdigheder i et kontrolleret miljø.→ Business News
2023-12-21 Holtab opens Training Centre Holtab is launching a training centre in Olofström. Here, the company's electrical installers practice assembling low-voltage switchgear and enhance their skills in a controlled environment.→ Business News
2023-11-16 Anders Holmberg appointed as Eastern Sweden's foremost entrepreneur On Tuesday evening, Anders Holmberg, chairman and owner of the family business Holtab, was awarded the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year in the East region of Sweden. "It feels exciting – and overwhelming. It is an award that I share with the entire Holtab team”, says Anders Holmberg.→ Business News Holtab
2022-10-18 Holtab opretter aktieselskab i Danmark Med stigende efterspørgsel på kompetencer inden for elektrificering, fokus på grøn omstilling samt mange igangværende projekter i landet opretter Holtab nyt selskab i Danmark.→ Business News Denmark
2021-02-23 Schneider og Holtab revolutionerer transformerstationen Sammen med Schneider har Holtab udviklet en præfabrikeret 60/20 kV-station. Bestilleren er European Energy i Danmark. "Det er revolutionerende", siger Ebbe Klarskov, Holtabs chef i Danmark.→ Business News References Denmark
2021-02-23 Schneider and Holtab revolutionise the substation Together with Schneider, Holtab has developed a prefabricated 60/20 kV substation. European Energy in Denmark placed the order. "This is revolutionary," says Holtab's Country Manager for Denmark, Ebbe Klarskov.→ Business News References
2020-10-26 Vedvarende energi skaber vækst for Holtab i Danmark Gigantiske solcelleparker og politiske ambitioner om elbiler er medvirkende til, at Holtab Danmark går en lysende fremtid i møde. → Business News Holtab Sustainability Denmark
2020-10-26 Holtab is growing in Denmark thanks to renewable energy Gigantic solar farms and political ambitions for electric cars mean that Holtab Denmark is facing a bright future. → Business News Holtab Sustainability
2019-01-14 Meet our new sales engineer in Finland Mika Nieminen is our new sales engineer at Holtab in Finland – a former professional cyclist who, with a wide network of contacts, solid knowledge of the industry and a great head for winning, will bring both drive and expertise to his new workplace.→ Business News Holtab
2017-12-12 Solar cell installation a first step towards Holtab´s green vision Holtab’s ecological vision is entitled “Net electricity provider by 2025”. A first step towards this goal was to inaugurate its own solar cell installation at the factory in Tingsryd.→ Business News Solar Power
2017-11-08 Sweden´s first local energy system In the village of Simris, a few kilometres south-west of Simrishamn in Österlen, an exciting project is being run with renewable and locally generated electricity. Holtab is one of the subcontractors.→ Business News References Smart Power Grids
2017-11-02 Complete solutions for substation automation We offer complete solutions from leading suppliers of substation automation. This is because they are equipped with a central RTU/PLC unit and the required number of I/O units, indicators, remote communication equipment and power supply/UPS to meet your exact needs.→ Business News Secondary Substations Smart Power Grids
2017-10-25 A paradigm shift due to smarter power grids Holtab’s business development manager Peter Ackebjer is one of many people in the industry looking ahead for the opportunities offered by tomorrow’s power grid. After all, we are in the midst of a historical transformation.→ Business News Smart Power Grids
2017-10-05 Development project for Supply and Distribution board Holtab had identified a gap in its product range as regards switchgear for the construction and industry segment. They contacted a former business partner and ran an innovative development project which ultimately led to market-adapted service switchgear called HMSI.→ Business News Industry Service Switchgear